Letter from the Editor

Editor’s Letter May-June 2015

May is here and many of us in the US are getting ready for the annual walk for the Angelman Syndrome Foundation. This will be my 5th year hosting the walk in Florida. Our family looks forward to it all year.

When my son Nathan was diagnosed at 2 and a half years old, we left the Geneticists office pondering on what she had just told us. She said Angelman Syndrome was rare but I did not truly understand what that meant to the general population of people. Was he the only one in Florida? I remember feeling so isolated.
Fast forward just a few quick years and our Florida walk has grown close to 300 people, my Angelman family.

I was so honored when our walk was featured on the cover of Celebration Life Magazine last year. We have come so far in a very short amount of time. All because of the amazingly hardworking people in this community. Cheers to all of the parents that continue to volunteer their time and efforts raising awareness so newly diagnosed families never feel so isolated, but supported.

Warm Wishes,

Lizzie Sordia
Editor – in – Chief