• Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Lukas

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Angela Humble Tucker, Mom to Lukas age 15 It’s hard to believe that we have a 15 year old son. Our son does not do all the typical things that a 15 year old would be doing such as video games, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone (or I guess texting), or competing in High School sports. Instead we have a 15 year old boy who has Angelman Syndrome which brings with it limitations such as non-verbal, limited mobility, cognitive delays, and more issues that would take up too much space to list. Our 15 year old boy Lukas however smiles more…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Rylee’s Story

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Keisha Tipton, Mom to Rylee, age 9 As a parent who has been injected into disability culture through a loved one, I feel we also have a separate and unique Angelman Syndrome culture.  Our Angelman family is accepting, supportive, and non-judgmental; a culture that we are all proud of sharing with one another.  Yes, we have trials and tribulations to overcome, but we are far from alone in this journey.  We build each other up with words of encouragement and support. Each family goes through our own experiences. I’d like to take a moment to share with you our story.  A story that…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action

    Celebrating the Abilities of our Angels By Anne Chatteau (In French and English) François a 24 ans et est UPD. nous avons eu le diagnostic quand il avait 13 ans. Jusque là, il avait vécu presque comme s’il n’était pas handicapé malgré un écart de plus en plus grand avec les autres enfants.  . Il a marché à 25 mois mais le langage n’est pas venu. Sinon, il était facile et s’intégrait dans les groupes sans poser de problème. C’est pourquoi, j’ai tenté beaucoup d’apprentissages avec lui, d’autant plus qu’étant professeur, je ne concevais pas que mon enfant n’ait pas droit à l’éducation. Il a eu un trotteur avant de…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Eddyto’s Story

    Eddyto was born a healthy baby at 37 weeks. He has a sister aged 4 and lives in Guatemala, Latin America. Eddyto was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, del +, Class II, at 11 months of age. We have been working hard ever since with nutritional therapy, supplements and the NACD program. Eddyto has come a long way and we are doing everything we can to support him to achieve his maximum potential in health and development. In addition to having Angelman Syndrome, Eddyto took another hard blow at 7 months of age. His third set of influenza, DTP and hepatitis B vaccines was too much for his body to handle…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Carter’s Story

    Carter learns to regulate his behavioral response by eliminating allergens and receiving RDI therapy: By Nealie Prewitt of Missouri Once Carter was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome;  It didn’t take long for us to learn what life with an “Angel” meant.  Sleep deprivation, behaviors, therapies, colds that always got worse, and social obstacles were some of the biggest challenges for us and Carter. There wasn’t a day that went by that I did not think, “there has to be something, some therapy, some approach, anything that I could do to make his life- our lives not so enduring. Sleep seemed to be the worst. I noticed that Carter always seemed congested…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Shea’s Story

    Shea teaches himself to read! By Carol Pulver of Florida Angel Mom to Shea 22 years old, AS Del + Shea (pronounced Shay), our youngest, weighed a whopping 6 ½ lbs at birth.  The largest of our 4 sons; his delivery followed an unremarkable pregnancy and he was born close to my due date.  Shea’s Apgar scores (the tests done shortly after birth) were all normal/high.  He had all his fingers and toes and everything was wonderful. Problems began in the next couple of days when Shea had difficulty nursing.  He continued to have problems feeding and was back in the hospital at 6 weeks with “failure to thrive” (the…

  • Angels in Action

    Angels in Action – Krista’s story

    Angels in Action is where you will read about the inspiring stories of the success in gained skills and abilities by our loved ones with Angelman Syndrome. Written by the families, we join in celebrating the abilities no matter how big or small. We believe it is important to inspire everyone with these real stories of our endearingly termed ‘Angels in Action’. Possibilities abound when we have a vision! By Karen VanPuyenbroeck of  Illinois Angel Mom to Krista 10 years old, AS UPD When I was asked by our Editor In Chief, Lizzie Sordia, to write a piece about Krista’s abilities for this section;  I asked myself, what were my…